Houston Swim Club
Swim School

You truly have a gift...

 Mom and dad are loving swim lessons, and they recently wrote to us to share their experience!

quotesMy husband and I just want to extend our sincere thanks (again) to Mr. Juan. You have gone above and beyond with our nervous little swimmer, Naomi.

Thursday afternoons are one of the biggest highlights of my week because I get to watch you work with Naomi the whole time (on Saturdays I'm in the pool with the younger one, so I don't get to watch as much).

Today was truly special. Naomi had you all to herself, and you took the opportunity to really push her and help her get through some of her roadblocks. I always notice how you talk to her like she is your best little buddy and offer her endless verbal encouragement throughout class.

It is so sweet!

Today, I also noticed the joy evident on your face and hers when she worked extra hard to float. You cheered and whooped and fist-pumped and celebrated her momentous accomplishment with her, then you gave her a double high-five and carried her lovingly across the pool to her next activity. I think I will remember that moment for the rest of my life.

You truly have a gift, and I feel honored that you are sharing that gift with my girl.


I know Naomi can be challenging. She has always been a rather anxious child and she has always needed more encouragement than most to do hard things, but she can do them as long as she has the right person helping her. For swimming, that person is you. She does not trust easily, at all--but she trusts you, and that is a very special thing. We truly cannot thank you enough for all the dedication, encouragement, love, and support that you give our little girl every single week.

You are making a huge difference in her life! Keep up the AMAZING work!