Houston Swim Club
Swim School

World Drowning Prevention Day

 Learn more about how you can spread the message of drowning prevention awareness.

Children between the ages of one and four are the most likely to drown in their backyard swimming pools. Natural waters including lakes, rivers, and oceans account for more than half of all fatal and non-fatal drownings among people ages 15 and older. The most common reason for drowning is a lack of swimming ability.

The good news is that drowning can be drastically reduced with proper water safety training and lessons taught by a swim school such as Houston Swim Club.

From their site: "Established in April 2021 by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 'Global drowning prevention' is observed in July every year. This global advocacy event provides an opportunity to highlight the devastating and profound impact that drowning has on families and communities, as well as to propose life-saving measures to help prevent it from happening again. An estimated 236,000 people drown each year, making drowning one of the top ten leading causes of death among children and adolescents aged one to 24 years."

How can you observe World Drowning Prevention Day?

Post to social media! Help spread awareness about drowning and drowning prevention. Use the hash tag #drowningprevention today. Post those photos and videos of your children taking swim lessons and learning important life-saving safety skills (such as our float test). This helps to broaden the event's reach.

There are so many unsettling stats about drowning —most of which are preventable. So World Drowning Prevention Day raises awareness of drowning and how prevalent it can be especially among young people.

For more information about World Drowning Prevention Day, visit this link or visit our partner, Stop Drowning Now, an organization dedicated to reducing drownings in the US (and part of the curriculum we teach when presenting drowning prevention to schools and other organizations).