Houston Swim Club
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Learn Water Safety!
Let's teach our kids to be safe in the water.

We offer fun and effective swim lessons that that will start you off to an awesome summer.

Children ages 2-1/2 to 12 years old begin in our Intensive Lessons, a 2-week session Monday through Friday.

2 Weeks, 10 Classes

Water Survival Skills

Indoor, Heated Pools

Small Size, 30 Min Classes

Our professional instructors will spend two weeks teaching your child life-saving skills and a love for the water. We have FUN in our classes, so they'll be excited to come to swim class every single day! After two weeks, they'll graduate to our monthly lessons, swimming once, twice, or three times a week.

Two Week
Intensive Session

per 30 min class
10 classes

50% OFF

Ready to learn life-saving skills? Use promo code "SWIMNOW" in the form below TODAY and get 50% off your registration fee.

There's no obligation...we'll contact you to help find the perfect class for your child!

Younger than 2 1/2? We also offer Parent-Child classes for children as young as 4 months until they are 2.5 years old, swimming once or twice per week.

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